1·To make money, tea plantations must be huge.
2·The tea plantations stretch far into the distance over the hills.
3·Mites form one of the most important and complex communities of arthropods in tea plantations.
4·In the early 18th century, Dutch settlers began creating tea plantations on the island of Java.
5·The base consists of two tea plantations, one tea primarily processing factory and one standardized fine processing factory;
6·Buying directly from producers and eventually buying tea plantations himself, Lipton was able to sell tea to the public at reduced prices.
7·The rolling hills near Munnar, Kerala, are covered with tea plantations that were originally planted by a Scotsman in the late 19th century.
8·After surviving my late day mostly lost in the mountainous misty tea plantations, i tried to plan a more gentle day, but still with mountains.
9·The acquisition of high quality, large-fragment sized and unbiased DNA is an important basis for the molecular ecology studies on soil microbes in tea plantations.
10·The poppy fields that once covered the fertile mountainsides are long gone, replaced by terraced tea plantations that cascade down the steep slopes to the valleys below.